Candle Size and Aroma!!!

Candle Size and Aroma!!!

Have you ever bought a wonderful 8oz candle and placed it in your open space living room to say hmmmmm the scent is beautiful but not filling the room!!

Well small 8oz candles are mainly made only to fill up regular size bedrooms, bathrooms, small living rooms, and small living spaces.

Our large 13oz to 16oz luxe coconut soy candles are made to fill up large living space areas with a wonderful aroma. 

Now, our coconut soy candles are made with premium clean fragrance oils and even our small 8oz and 11 oz candles tend to fill medium to large living spaces, and the scent also travels through the home.

Always remember that wider vessels, and larger size vessels can carry an aroma for a large room. Once the wax is heated by the wicks the scent is released from the candle filling up your home with the best aroma.